Notes on disposal of used oil

Notes on disposal of used oil

Notes on disposal of used oil
Please also refer to the relevant laws in their country

According to the waste oil, we are obliged following oils used for free take back:
Engine oils - gear oils - oil filter and changing the oil is regularly obtained oily waste.
Acquired in our amount of combustion engine or gear oil,
and when changing the oil regularly occurring oily waste and Oilfilter we take as waste oil back free for the purpose of proper disposal.

Drop off is our point of sale:
Kastanienallee 57
73092 Heiningen

You can the used oil and oil filter and changing the oil regularly occurring oleaginous
Waste proposed to us in person.
Alternatively, you can choose the shipment by mail on the takeover of shipping.
Please be sure to identify waste oil at the dispatch as Dangerous Goods and Use appropriate containers